

2013年09月23日 07:39  点击:

讲座题目:Chemistry and materials in electrochemical energy storage

讲 座 人:罗加严 美国西北大学博士、美国麻省理工学院博士后

讲座时间:2013年9 月23日(星期一)上午9:30




罗加严博士共发表SCI论文33篇,被引用超过1000次,H因子18。其中以第一作者发表包括Nature Chemistry等的18篇文章,平均影响因子8.2。授权美国专利2项。美国材料学会,美国化学会,美国电化学会会员。自2009年担任Energy & Environmental Science等刊物特邀审稿人50余次。获得的奖项有上海高校学生创造发明奖,中科院奖学金,首届吴浩清电化学特等奖,上海市优秀硕士论文,Ryan纳米科技奖学金,3M公司奖学金,国家优秀自费留学生奖,美国材料学会博士生金奖,陶氏可持续创新挑战赛个人一等奖。


Energy storage systems are vital for electrification of vehicles and smart grid. They can also fill the intermittency of renewable energy such as wind and solar energy. Lithium ion batteries are now the dominant power sources for portable electronics. For practical large scale usage in vehicles and grid, issues with safety and affordability need to be resolved. Replacing organic electrolyte in lithium ion batteries by aqueous solution can essentially eliminate the fire hazard, and also drastically reduce the production cost. But the extreme low cycling stability of aqueous lithium ion batteries limits their application. On the other hand, many new materials such as graphene and silicon nanostructures are emerging with high capacity for energy storage. Their production and performance need to be scalable in order to advance beyond lab discoveries. This talk will discuss how to address these challenges of electrochemical energy storage with basic knowledge in chemistry and materials.



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